Ezt a keresőmarketing tanfolyamot azon kedves érdeklődőknek ajánljuk angol nyelven, akik szeretnének a keresőmarketing legújabb és leginkább használt "Amerikában" elterjedt módszereivel megismerkedni.
Alapfokú weboldal készítési képzettség szükséges. Az angol nyelvet legalább középfokú szinten beszélő hallgatók jelentkezését várjuk.
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keresőoptimalizálás és Online marketing tanfolyam- részlet:
The online marketing tanfolyam is designed to help website developers receive more targeted traffic on their web creations. Extracts from the online marketing tanfolyam:
What should you do, as a polite link builder, if some of your inbound links just aren’t up to the desired level? Do you risk alienating a well-meaning by pointing out that he’s linked to an old page that no longer exists? That he’s spelled your company’s name incorrectly, or, even worse, your URL? Do you ask for a link where your site is mentioned, even if it’s an unfavorable mention? How will making changes to your existing inbounds affect your site in the future?
If it’s broken, why should you fix it?
Current inbound link analysis often gets overlooked in the promotion of new content and the quest for new links. Most people simply don’t have time to poke around in the dark recesses of their inbound link profiles, even though they should. As you may know, the biggest issue with making any sort of changes in sending out signals that something fishy is going on. After all, why would a three year old link suddenly change from your home page to a new landing page? If the content that the original link was on has itself not changed in two full years, how weird will it look when it’s suddenly updated?
Ha szeretnél választ kapni kérdéseidre keress fel minket!